Tuesday, April 9, 2013

So ya wanna eat healthy?

So you have changed your mind about what you put into your body and you want to know more about what is better for you. First off you must know that anything that is sugar free, low calorie, or fat free is a hoax and none of it matters. Take a look at a nice leafy green salad (boring I know but just an example) and let's compare it to low calorie special K chips. Which is better? The salad of course, but why? The salad would consist of leafy greens, maybe some tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini....These are foods that are in our natural "wild" diet, as in what we ate before processed food came around. Take a look at the low calorie special k chips...what ingredient in those chips is natural for our bodies? Nothing really...It's not food, it is food-like products. Our bodies were not meant to digest chips, twinkies, or processed boxed meals, not to mention all the chemicals that are put into our food to make it look, taste, and smell better to make us want to buy more of it! All these unhealthy processed foods do nothing but make those companies money and make us unhealthy. I could go on and on for pages about all the reasons these foods are bad for us but for me just looking at the options of healthy and natural versus packaged and processed is an obvious difference. i will get more into explaining it all in later posts :)

To get healthy just making healthier choices...Take out pasta, add quinoa and barley...Make your meals mainly veggies...STOP drinking pop!...quit eating boxed meals

Every morning I juice a bunch of veggies and an apple. Can you imagine all the nutrients from one glass of absolutely delicious juice? And all of that going directly into my body and being digested immediately. It only takes 15 minutes for all those nutrients to get into my body cells. Ever since I have started juicing my skin has become clearer and glows more, I don't get random body aches or pains, I get a lot of my daily nutrients from ONE DRINK! There are just so many great things about juicing that I am going to make a bigger post about it later on. Getting late now.
  • Cucumber
  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Radishes
  • Celery
  • Parsley
  • Ginger Root
  • Brussell Sprouts
  • Apple
Snacks...Take a lot at what you snack on...one of those "1serving" bag of chips? donuts? granola bar? Get rid of all that processed food. It does absolutely no good for your body at all. Try snow peas with organic hummus (athenos hummus is sooo gross!) it is my absolute favorite snack! or green beans with hummus, greek yogurt with fruit, a small wrap with hummus, feta cheese and an array of peppers (red, green, yellow) amazing flavor!!! Basically just start rethinking what you are truly eating. Once I started to properly give myself the nutrition I needed I didn't have cravings at all like I used to. Do I still occasionally want an entire container of coffee flavored ice cream? You bet your ass I do! But I can control it and only take 5 bites instead of eating the whole thing and not caring. When your body is giving you signs that you are hungry, it is looking for nutrients not just food. If u are on a so-called diet and you feel hungry and have a hard time controlling your cravings it is because your body is nutritionally starved. That is why those 100-calorie packs never work because there is absolutely nothing in those packages that our body wants. Nothing but sugar if u ask me.

 Pita Pockets with hummus, feta, and peppers-TONS of flavor, SO GOOD!

But it is getting late and this is just to get your mind rolling. I will start getting into more of the different types of food and my next couple posts will be some easy healthy snacks and more about detoxing, restarting your body...

April...Keeping it Simple.

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