Thursday, April 11, 2013

Differences in my own health

Before I changed my eating lifestyle I ate about everything processed. I was going out to eat at restaurants all the time and not ordering anything healthy, matter of fact far from healthy. I was feeding my family and myself boxed meals, 100 calorie packs, packaged treats(twinkies, cakes, teddy grahams), packaged meets, fake cheese, frozen dinners, and pop/chips. I barely ever cooked anything from scratch. It wasn't because I couldn't but because I was LAZY! Looking back on it now I just can't even fathom feeding my children those same foods. I have seen such a difference in my own life as well as in the health of my children.

One of the main differences that I have noticed in my own life is I am not so damn tired anymore! I used to sleep for 8-9 hours a night, get up with the kids, eat and then continue to lay on the couch all day and try to nap while my kids were doing what they wanted. I would get up and try to convince them to be quiet every once in awhile but all I really wanted to do was sleep. I can' believe the days I wasted just laying around...How many days we went without milk because I was too lazy to get up and go to the store. I just can't believe it. Nowadays, every morning I juice my veggies and that is how I get my jump start every day. If i don't juice then I feel like my whole day is out of whack, like I'm not feeling it lol. Anyways, without proper nutrition I would still be that fat lazy broad hollering at her kids to be quiet so she can sleep all day. I never want to nap anymore. It's just an amazing feeling to not want to lay around the house.

Another difference is my sleeping habits. I used to wake up in the middle of the night, thirsty, snacking, restless...Since I have made my lifestyle change I sleep through the night and I notice that i don't even sleep as much. Instead of sleeping till 8-9 in the morning I am up at 6-7. It truly is wonderful to feel fully rested everyday.

One big difference is the temperature in my house. What does that have to do with eating right? I am not so dang cold anymore!! I used to have my house at 70-75 degrees with a sweatshirt, sweatpants, an wool socks on because I was so dang cold! Poor circulation from not eating right might have been the case of that but I'm no Dr. I was always so cold, my fingers and toes were like ice cubes. Now my temperature is around 65 degrees in my house and if i turn it up to 70 on a super cold day it starts to get to hot in here. And this all changed about a week or two after I started juicing every morning and eating clean. 

My skin has shown a difference since I started eating clean. I used to have all these little bumps all over my legs and arms and it felt like sandpaper somedays. Now, they are still somewhat visible but they are smooth, there are barely any more bumps at all. I still have a few on my legs but my arms are completely smooth. My complexion on my face has done a complete 180! My face used to be whitish and tan, just kind of off and not very "flowy". I always felt like I had to wear make up to cover it up. Now I can't even remember the last time I wore foundation. The only thing I will put on is eyeshadow and mascara to match my outfit, it is such a natural look. It is almost like my face kind of "glows". Another one is blackheads. They have disappeared. I use an all natural olive oil soap that I used on my face and it has worked wonders. I never break out anymore and if I do it is when i have gone out to eat. I look so much healthier now just because of the difference in the skin on my face. It is just crazy!

This is just the start to go along with how much better my clothes fit (they are not so tight anymore!) my weight loss and much much more. So those are just the differences that I have noticed myself, not to mention all the people I know asking me if I've lost weight! lol

April...Keeping it Simple :)

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