Thursday, April 11, 2013


So you've decided to eat clean? Try detoxing! Detoxing sounds crazy but it is a big thing! At least it was to me. Detoxing consists of ridding your body of all the chemicals from that processed food, pop, sugar, and just all around bad stuff that you have been eating. What I did was I juiced all veggies. Can you imagine having a glass of fresh juice, not no v8 crap. Fresh, nutrient filled juice. Just imagine for a second what your body does when you stop eating crappy processed food and you give it nothing but pure goodness...It is going to repair itself and all those nutrients going into all of your cells and pushing out all the bad stuff. With all those bad things coming out you might feel a little different. Those bad "things" have been stored in your cells and are now being pushed out so don't stop even though you might feel different, keep going! 

   My juice every morning! SO GOOD! Add an apple for sweetness :)

Detoxing foods...                     
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Cilantro
  • Parsley
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Onion
  • Chard
  • Collard Greens
  • Cabbage 
  • Arugula
  • Leafy green veggies!

Other detoxing food...
  • Spirulina
  • Aloe Vera
  • Chia seeds
  •  Garlic
  • Coconut Oil
  • Lime 
  • Lemon

I'm not trying to get gross here but also imagine in your mind what the inside of your intestines look like. What did that one colon cleanser commercial say..."...stuck to the colon walls like spackle and paste." And that is exactly what it is like. It is like cement stuck in your intestines against the wall. And as your intestines are pushing "stuff" through to digest it can you imagine how it is hard to do that with pieces of cement here and there. And can you imagine how old all that "stuff" is? A really good thing to do to fix this is CHIA SEEDS! Chia seeds are the best. They suck that icky stuff right up and move it along. If you buy some try putting some in water and see what happens. It turns into a gel after awhile and you can drink this. I used to do it twice a day when I first started my clean eating but then I found other ways to incorporate chia seeds. I put them in oatmeal for my kids, in our shakes, soups, pizza, i mean EVERYTHING. 

Chia seeds are good because they are full of...
  • essential fatty acids
  • antioxidants
  • calcium
  • iron
  • 41% of your daily fiber in ONE serving!
  • anti-inflammatory
  • natural extended energy
They are just all around great for you and I will post some chia seed recipes as well as the foods I put them in. You can really put them into anything!

So you get the point of detoxing. Just eat as many of the foods above to help your body get rid of all the bad stuff from the bad food that u have been eating. Remember, you might feel different as all the toxins will be getting pushed out of your cells to make room for the proper nutrition you are giving your body :) ENJOY!

April...Keeping it Simple :)

P.S. Make sure to share with your friends. Let's get people eating right and not making those companies rich that make chemical ridden food and try to addict us to it! lol

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