Monday, April 8, 2013

Keeping it Simple - what this blog is about!

I have struggled with weight loss since I got pregnant with my first daughter. I now have two and my youngest is 2 years old. I've tried Herbalife, fad diets, pills, everything! It may work for some people but it never worked for me. Weight loss has been a nightmare and after each little spurt of dieting I would binge and then never quit and end up gaining more weight. What changed my life was watching the documentary "Hungry For Change". It opened my eyes to a lot of the reasons why my previous diets were not working and that reason is I was never getting enough nutrition and it was always about calorie counting and eating small portions of bad processed food. My body was nutritionally starved and that is where my horrid cravings and binging came from, and even the occasional episode of making myself throw up because I was so ashamed at myself for eating two bags of chips with two containers of dip, about 4000 calories? And that was right before bed and not to mention all the other food I ate that day!

After watching that documentary it really got me thinking as to what I am putting in my body and what was MEANT to go into my body. In the documentary they talk about what our bodies are able to digest and they sure didn't mention macaroni and cheese, I mean where is the nutritional value in mac and cheese? Our bodies were meant to digest plants, seeds, and other NATURAL foods, not highly processed foods. If you look at our diets as humans 30,000 years ago (we were the same then as we are now as far as brain development and what not) what did they eat? It sure as heck wasn't cheetos or twinkies. They lived off what the land had to offer and they were healthy! I'm not saying to go build a fort in the woods and fend for yourself but to just really take a look at what you are putting into your body. 

A big difference I have made is reading labels, it's the first thing you can start doing for yourself. Example is a pizza sauce in the "regular" section of the grocery store. I read the ingredients and there are things on there that I cannot pronounce. Those chemicals are added by companies to make their products look, taste, and smell better. The amount of processing that goes on really does take out a lot of the nutritional value, not to mention the chemicals, and your body was not meant to process them. Now take a label of organic pizza sauce (same cost, mind you) and I know every single ingredient on the label, there is absolutely nothing on the label that I cannot pronounce and have hefty knowledge as to what it is. As far as read labels goes, if I don't know what one of the ingredients is I will not eat it. 

Ok totally got off track as to what my page is going to be about and that is taking all this different information that I have found and putting it into one place. I was so overwhelmed when I started eating right with all the different websites and all the information that it almost frustrated me. I am still on my journey of weightloss and I am far from perfect but I do feel I can help people understand what to eat and I love sharing all the great healthy recipes that I have found as well as created!! I started having a bunch of friends asking me questions on facebook, started a page there, and my Dad suggested to start a blog, so here it is. If I ever someday have a large following, THANKS DAD!


  1. your welcome, i get to be your first commentorior, keep up the good fight
