Monday, April 22, 2013

Having Support and it's Importance!

I would have to say that having support and other people in your life who are trying to be better as well is oh so important. If you don't have anyone here I am! Along with the others on my facebook page.

My most recent relationship is a lot of the reason I gained so much weight. Not blaming him directly but it had a lot to do with me feeling really down on myself. When I first got with him in October it was all really great and then in November it turned into him making jokes about my weight or making comments about me eating. Just horrid and cruel things. We were never physical in our relationship because of how crappy he made me feel about myself. When he asked me why I never kissed him anymore I would just say because I'm tired and I really thought that is what it was and then on Valentine's Day it all clicked! I don't WANT to kiss him or even be near him because of the way he talks to me! When I told him this he said he didn't realize it was hurting me. I think that sounds idiotic, how can u not know that making fun of someones weight would bother them. Shortly before I realized what a douchebag this guy was I would go to the grocery store like every other day, stock up on chips, dip, doughnuts, pop, and ice cream and that is all I would eat. I would sit on the couch with a bag of chips and dip and eat the whole thing. Every time I sat down he could say, "I hope you don't eat that whole thing. You should watch your weight. Remember when it was important to you?" You may think it might sound caring but in way shape or form was it.

I would sit and eat all of this and not have a single care in the world! I would enjoy eating it because it was the only thing that made me feel good because I had someone in my life constantly making me feel like crap. While I was still with him I watched "Hungry For Change" and I wanted to change how I was eating and how i was feeding my kids as well. I told him how I wanted to change and even had him watch the movie. He was not interested in any way to try and eat healthy and even made comments about how i would be back on the couch eating ice cream the next night. Absolutely no faith in me. How can one live with that? You can't, so I told him I was done and it was completely over! I could not believe what I had put up with through that relationship and it was only like 5 months.

I'm a much stronger woman and I let myself down but then I started to pick myself up and within two weeks I felt like I was on top of the world! I was finding weight loss support pages on facebook, searching the health and fitness boards on pinterest, reading health articles, researching natural foods and recipes, as well as connecting with other people I know in my life who are positive. I have some very amazing family and friends! I would not have even half of my motivation if it wasn't for them. And now a lot of them are starting to eat healthy as well!! I go to church every Sunday and surround myself with the positive of God and the good people who worship him with me. Thanks to my parents for nagging me to go! Accepting God as my savior has been the best thing I have done as far as leading a positive life. If anything negative does happen, I know God is there so I need not worry. I even went through my friends list on facebook and deleted people that were always posting negative things or starting those ridiculous fights. I think I'm going to go through and do another facebook cleaning here soon. Rid your life of negativity. And when your doing so, pray for those people...

Surround yourself with good people who care and have a positive outlook. That is one of the most important aspects of being successful, to me anyways. It can make a world of difference.

April...Keeping it Simple ;)

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